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Tel Aviv-Yafo recent comments:

  • Ramat Aviv, Ido (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    No, this is Ramat Aviv.
  • Shows Hill, ISRAEL (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Diamonds Bridge, יענקל (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    תמיד יש פעם ראשונה ללכת על גשר (או לפחות, על הגשר הזה). יופי
  • Turkish Embassy, ahhh?!??! (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Camp Yitzak Rabin : HaKirya, Yoav (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    One of the biggest military facilities in israel. The great absurd is that it is also located on the most expensive real estate area in israel... go figure!
  • Revivim, raed (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    i ned me home
  • Parking, Стас цомаев (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Здесь я жил в октябре 2007 года!!! отель отличный. Там был консьерж по имени Изу!!! прикольный малый- постоянно улыбался и был всегда в хорошем настроении, жаль что по русски не понимал!!! И в ресторане внизу была женщина рускоговрящая, темная такая с короткой стрижкой!!!
  • Beit Lessin Theater + Hod Cinema, Stan Mark (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Photo by:Stan Mark
  • Yekhezkel, 16, nirputter wrote 17 years ago:
    היי אפרת
  • Eretz Israel Museum, zz (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    fuck u
  • Ramat Aviv, שמוליק (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    זו שכונת "תכנית ל'" רמת אביב נמצאת ממזרח
  • Old Central Bus Station (Demolished), 130248 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    محطة الباصات القديمة
  • Hotel DeLaMer, shmone (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Here I spent three wonderful months in 1997
  • Abu Kabir Prison, Educational (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    My husband spent one night there because of a debt he had with a municipality. He was put in with a murderer, a rapist and a man who had gouged his wife's eyes out with a knife! And also a man who threatened to start a fire. But he wasn't scared. He found the whole experience very educational
  • Tzahala, AMATZALAM wrote 17 years ago:
    שכונת צהלה
  • Esther Cinema Hotel, Nameesh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hotel cinema : Originally a cinema hall now transformed into a hotel. Located at prime location of deizingoff square.
  • Pub Mike's Place, hoho (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    good place to be from 16 till 21
  • Blue Sea Marble Hotel, hoho (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    bad bad bad!!! don't even try it!!! bad beer bad food
  • Pinsker, 10, orensomething (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Pub Little Prague, qivin (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Паб "Маленькая прага"